Extensive experience in all aspects of Fly-By-Wire (FBW) system development from requirements through design, test, and certification. Proven practical designs and start-to-end process knowledge.
Primary Flight Control
Design of primary flight control laws for
- Longitudinal control
- Lateral and directional control
- On-ground control
- Degraded modes
Software requirements, test vectors and V&V testing Predicted flight characteristics
Envelope Protection Control Functions
Design of envelope protection control laws:
- Angle of attack limiting
- High and low speed protection
- Upset recovery
- Controlled flight into terrain avoidance
Software requirements, test vectors and V&V testing Predicted flight characteristics
Load Alleviation Functions
Design of:
- Maneuver load alleviation
- Gust load alleviation
Auto Flight Functions
Design of flight director and autopilot control modes:
- Altitude, flightpath and glideslope capture and hold
- Pitch and roll attitude hold
- Heading and track modes
- Flight level change mode
- Auto-land functions (CATIII)
- Auto-throttle
Software Requirements, test vectors and V&V testing Predicted flight characteristics
Mode Switching/Transition Logic
Design of mode switching/transition logic functions:
- Air and ground transitions
- Control mode transitions
- Redundant channel logic and integrator synchronization
SW requirements and test vectors and V&V testing
Signal Selections, Fault Detection, and Redundancy Management
Design of algorithms for:
- Signal selection and redundancy management
- Failure monitors
- Hard-over
- Oscillator
- Slow-over
Software requirements, test vectors and V&V testing
Fly-By-Wire System Architecture and Safety Analysis
Review and analysis of FBW system architectures to ensure meeting requirements for:
- Certification
- Safety
- Performance
Requirements Definition & Management
- Design Requirements & Objectives (DR&O)
- Handling qualities requirements
- System architecture requirements
- Actuator requirements
- Sensor requirements
- Requirements tracking
Multidisciplinary Interaction Process
- Aerodynamics
- External loads
- Flutter
- Performance
- Ground vibration test
- Structural mode interaction test
Technical Interface To Suppliers
- Actuators
- FBW system electronics
- FBW system software
- Sensors
- Subsystems
- Cockpit
Testing and Certification Experience
- PART 23/25
- Hardware and software in the loop test plans
- System flight clearance plan
- System certification plan
- Safety analysis
- Certification of Complex Flight Systems (ARP-4754)
- Certification of Complex Flight Software (DO-178B/C)
- Certification of Complex Flight Electronic Hardware (DO-254)
- Flight System Safety Assessment (ARP-4761/AC-AMJ-25-1309)
- FBW system certification requirements and special conditions
- Special certification aspects with respect to control claw functions